Opening times in February

25.January 2015 My art studio Dalalåven Atelier will be open Saturday 7th and Thursday 12th February.February has two big days; Mother’s Day 8th Feb and Valentines 14th Feb. If you’re looking for something special for your mother or your loved ones there is plenty to choose between at Dalalåven Atelier!Here you can find art, art … Continued

The first ones of the year

14.January 2015 I just finished my very first paintings of the year today, – it is always a good feeling signing the first painting of a new year.The picture to the left is painted on papyrus, I have called it “In Sickness and in Health”, it is 40x53cm. The painting to the right is oil … Continued

Winter Cultural Week, art jury and various other things

9th January 2015 I have various things happening the enxt few months. I am currently painting on a few different commissions, I’ll post photos of those as they get finished.In addition to that i have a few other types of activities. Saturday 31st January I will be holding a drawing workshop as part of the … Continued