And a few more pumpkins

Wednesday 28th October 2015 I have now finished another few pumpkins. Here you can see Edward Scissorhands, Captain Davy Jones from The Pirates of the Caribbean-movies, and Gollum. The tv-channel NRK has made a short video, article and a step by step photo series with me and my pumpkins. Which you can see here Tomorrow … Continued

The first pumpkins of the year

Sunday 25th October 2015 I have carved my two first pumpkins this year. To the left you can see Freddy Krueger from The Nightmare on Elm Street films. And to the right a Gremlin. These two will be here at my art studio for you to see live if you are coming for my Pumpkin … Continued

New painting on canvas

Saturday 24th October 2015 I have just finished a new painting, this one is a regular one painted on canvas. This one is called United in Love and you can see it it a larger format in the Couple-gallery.  

Pumpkin carving workshop

Thursday 1.October 2015 There will be a Pumpkin Carving Workshop here at Dalalåven Art Studio Thursday 29.October. I have divided it into two parts, one at 16.30 and one at kl 19.00. Please note: You need to register first. Contact me for registration and any further questions at: or phone: 41 57 95 23 … Continued

Busy days with lots of commissions

Thursday 1.October 2015 I have painted a lot on papyrus lately, – as the demand is high. I have also made a lot of drawings and paintings on commission, – some of these I am not allowed to publish here until a set date. Others I have agreed to not publish publicly at all. The … Continued