Owls and dogs

Wednesday 30th March Some of my customers are so nice, in addition to being extrenely good customers, that they are able to talk me into all sorts of weird stuff 😉 This time the result is that I enden up making two pastel drawings of owls, – not at all the kind of thing you … Continued

New painting with couple

Friday 11th March 2016 Here is my most recent painting, it is called “You are My Resting Place” and is 40×36 cm. You can find it in the Couples-gallery

Marathon Day

10.March 2016 Yesterday was really an exciting, intense, fun, touching, eventful, and long day. I feel lucky to have been booked to hold a lecture at the Cultural Conference at Sunndalsøra. I don’t think anyone left there without having felt both moved, touched and inspired. . After that I drove straight to Løkken to have … Continued

Cultural conference, Winter noise and Dream grant

Tuesday 1.March 2016 Some days are just a lot busier than others, and Wednesday 9th March will be one of those. First I will be at The Cultural conference 2016 in Sunndalsøra, where I will talk about how my art helped me through the grief and depression after the murder of my twin sister Elin … Continued