Guests from Texas

Thursday 22nd June 2017 I have had a group of 12 people from Texas visiting me this week, Professor Don Huebner from Texas State University with his students. They had travelled around both Iceland and the big cities of Norway (Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim) before they came to my art studio here in Rindal. I … Continued

Two tiny little paintings

Monday 12th June 2017 I have made some small drawings lately, and decided to try to paint some small pieces too. I have actually never ever before painted such a small canvas as the one to the right here! There’s a first time for everything I guess. For some reason I have found it easier … Continued

Art Calendar for 2018

Friday 9th June 2017 I spent most of Tuesday at the printers in Trondheim, adjusting colours and overseeing the printing of my art calendar. Today all the boxes with the Inga-Calendars for 2018 arrived! I am so pleased they arrived before the big Summer exhibition that opens here 1st July. With13 pieces of art for … Continued

Photo shoot with Per Heimly

Friday 2nd June 2017 I had a photo shoot with the amazing photographer Per Heimly earlier this year. I have now put the photos in a separate gallery here on my web site. This way they are accessible as press photos. If you would like to have a look just click here on Photo shoot … Continued

4 small drawings

Thursday 1st June 2017 I have made 4 small pastel drawings this week, these are all tiny, and drawn on coloured pastel paper