Huldra in the troll forest

Thursday 27th february 2020 A few months ago I was bored stiff at a meeting, it was completely useless and it truly felt as a waste of time. I ended up daydreaming while I was scribbling and filling up my note book. naturally I filled it with small sketches instead of actual notes. The day … Continued

painting workshop for children

Thursday 20.February 2020 Yesterday and today I had a paintign workshop for 5 kids who spent their winter holiday visiting their grandma here in Rindal Everyine arrived very excikted, and there has been a lot of laughter, in my opinion simply brilliant that one of them instantly exclaimed that I am a genius when it … Continued

First painting workshop of the year

Sunday 16th February 2020 Thank you so much to the fun and creative gang who has spent their weekend here with me at my art studio Dalalåven these last few days! I really love that the finished pieces show such variety in motif, style and technique. A weekend like this is truly intense for me, – … Continued

The first kitty-painting of the year

Wednesday 5th february 2020 There is something special about the relationship we have with animals, for me that has always been important. Which is why this is a subject I like to paint. I remember that we had to write an essay about our best friend when I was in grade, I wrote about … Continued

Artistic Travel Guide

Friday 24th January 2020 I have been looking forward to telling you giys about this for quite some time now! In October I am going to be an artistic travel guide for the travel agency Smart Reiser on their trip “The dream of the Caucasus” There’s a limited number of available places, so if you … Continued

Goat portraits!

Thursday 23rd January 2020 It always feels good when I get to finish a project as the weekend is approaching. Today I finished this commission of the 4 Majestic goats named Didrik, Per-Gunnar, Netti-Jo and Donald. Maybe slightly related to the Billygoats Gruff? I have to admit that I ended up really wanting a goat … Continued