About the art exhibition in Brazil

Sunday 12.July 2015

I have now returned home after a fantastic stay in Brazil.
I have seen so much, experienced so much, and I am truly left with a lot of powerful impressions.
This is just a short summary, as I really cannot feel the news-section here with everything about this trip. But at least I can add a few photos for you to see. And for those of you who understand Norwegian, or those of you who wants to translate my blog through Google translate, – most likely my next blog will be based upon my experiences in Brazil.
I was lucky enought to live with a local artist couple in Rio de Janeiro instead of staying at a hotel. I really felt this gave me a better feel of the local culture, and it also led to a lot of unique and fun experiences.

So, – here are some photos from the tip, both from the opening of the exhibition, a view over the city of Rio, me aboard the ferry called Inga II, and from my visit in the favela Santa Marta.
Click on each photo to see them in full size


kunstner Caterina Mantuano, kurator Angela Oliveira og Inga Dalsegg på utstillingsåpning i BrasilInga med sine maleri på utstillingen i BrasilInga utenfor galleriet      Inga i bydelen Santa Teresa i Rio. favelaen Santa Marta i bakgrunnenInga foran et prosjekt laget av barn, Projeto Morrinho, - en modell av byens favelaer. Utstilt på Museu De Arte Do Rioet prosjekt laget av barn, Projeto Morrinho, - en modell av byens favelaer. Utstilt på Museu De Arte Do RioInga på toppen av fjellet Pão de Açúcar, med utsikt over Rioombord på taubanen opp til toppen Pão de Açúcar i Rio    IMG_8181Inga ombord i ferga Inga II i Rio de Janeiro!Inga ombord i ferga Inga II i Rio de Janeiro!2015-07-07 14.53.22 Inga kjøper seg sin første Acarajé laget av Teresa, helt fantastisk spesiell matIMG_8190 IMG_8189

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