10.March 2016
Yesterday was really an exciting, intense, fun, touching, eventful, and long day.
I feel lucky to have been booked to hold a lecture at the Cultural Conference at Sunndalsøra. I don’t think anyone left there without having felt both moved, touched and inspired.
After that I drove straight to Løkken to have a stall at Ladie’s Night at Winter Noise in Meldal. The place was jam packed, and this truly was an evening of non-stop action, with a good mix of fun and seriousness. A brilliant evening, and all the money from this event went to cancer research.
I have to say I truly feel lucky to get invited to so many great events.
I was so tried while driving back home though, and ended up playing the same song on repeat the last 30 mins while singing along loudly!
Today i will unpack the unsold art merchandise and have a slightly calmer day than yesterday…!