I have just put the finishing brush strokes on my very first painting of the year. It is always a special feeling to sign the first painting of a new year.
This oil painting measures 40 x 60 cm, the title is “Soulmate Secrets” and the price is 12 400,- Norwegian kroner, including frame. (get in touch if you want help converting that to your currency!)
I think most of us who have grown up with animals/pets have talked to them, and even told them our secrets occasionally.
I myself have shared both exciting secrets, hopes, dreams, excitement and heartwrenching grief and despair with my cat Frøya.
I wanted to show some of that feeling get in this painting.
The cat on the painting is inspired by one of my friends cat, after all, I can’t just paint black cats either.
You can see this in a larger format in the For-sale-gallery here