Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Some projects take a little longer than others.
Last summer I received a pile of old black and white photographs of my twin sister Elin and me from 1996 – the same year she was murdered.
I knew I had to use these in my art in a way, but it took a long time to figure out what and how.
It took even longer to actually get started, stop postponing it all. When I finally started, I faced up to several technical challenges in getting the photographs printed on to the oil paint.
But now I have finally finished. Here is the result:
5 canvas showing the 5 stages of Grief; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.
Had I been sensible, I would probably have spent my time on something more sellable, something nice and pleasant people would like on their wall. But I’m not.
Life is unpredictable. It can be very painful at times. You do not have to experience murder to experience grief.
Grief can also be the result of an unexpected diagnosis, illness, serious accident, breakup or death.
Everyone will experience loss and grief at some point in life.
Here is my interpretation.