Friday 6th April 2018
HOORRRAAAAYYY!!! My book finally arived today!
I have to say it was a really special feeling to finally be able to hold a copy in my hand!
There will be a book launch Tuesday 17th April at 17 at Rindal skimuseum.
I have already put aside copies for all of you who have pre-ordered, and if not, – you can find it in my web shop.
The pages are large, 35×25 cm, as the format of the pictures was important to me.
This book is only available in Norwegian.
The price is 330 Norwegian kroner (+ postage)
I would like to thank the author Gunn Marit Nisja, the photographer Terje Visnes for the cover shot, Anunatak for design and layout, Fagtrykk Trondheim AS for printing. Per Heimly and Lediard Foto as who has taken several of the photos inside.
And of course my cat Frøya who has been patient while her human has been occupied with the computer, scanner, old photo albums, e-mail and phone at all hours for a long time now.
And to all of you who are actually in this book, even though you might ot now it as yet…