Born: 14.12.1974 Org.no: 993 328 782
Visiting Address
Rindalsvegen 13C, 6657 Rindal, Norway
Member of The Norwegian Visual Artists Association (NBK)
arranged by Norwegian Visual Artists Association
Exhibition for members of Norwegian Visual Artists Association
Exhibition for members of Norwegian Visual Artists Association
- Made an official ambassador of Rindal (Rindalsambassadør) 2018
- Winner of the Name of the Year Award "Årets Drivanavn 2013"
- Was awarded Rindal Bank's Motivational Award 2013
- Had the painting Fear auctioned off by Christie’s in London 22nd October 2008
- winner of the art prize Ole Vig–prisen for 2005
- Received a cultural grant from Rindal Sparebank in connection with the banks 125th – anniversary in 1998
Norway: Norwegian Humanist Association, Orkdal Energy, Wall painting commissioned by Gåsvand Property, Ålesund and Sula Electricity Board, Statkraft Power company, Triangel, Svorka Energy, Rindal Council, Rindal Art Association, Rindal Sparebank, Rindal Museum, Nordmøre College, Surnadal College, Surnadal Sparebank, Surnadal Council, Trollheimen Industries, Norwegian District Youth Assosiation, Hotel Central, Gallery Stallen, Tingvoll Brygge Hotel, El-Co electrics, Todalen Sports Club, U8, Navigator Advertising Company, Assessit AS, Stillashuset AS, Rindal Nursing Home, Molde Hospital, Rindals-Tre, T-Komponent, Bravino Wine Importers, TS-Forum, Vibo, Halsa School, Design by Marte Helgetun, Sunndal Art Association, The Norwegian Women's Public Health Association in Todalen, and private art collectors.
England:The British Red Cross, Sakhi Solicitors, The Dover Castle, That Healing Feeling, Wicked, Scent 4 All