Pumpkincarving-workshops and Christmas fairs

Freiday 20th September 2019

Here’s a little update on where you’ll find me the next few months.
12th october I’ll have a stall at the Big Cabin Day in Rindal Den store hyttedagen i Rindal 
I will also be having several pumpkin-carving workshops as always. One closed event for The Association of Children with Heart Defects.
Then there will be one in Rennebu Gresskarlykt-verksted hos Rennebu Frivilligsentral 23rd October and two separate ones at my art studio in Rinda lGresskarlykt-verksted på Dalalåven i Rindal 27th October. ??
9.-10.November is the first big Christmas Fair of the season Rindalsmessa 2019 ,16.-17.Nov is the Chrstmas fair at Storås Julemesse i Storås Samfunnshus, 24.November I will be at Averøya Julemarked i Øytun , 30.November is Smal Business Saturday Nisjebutikkens dag in Rindal.
After that I will mainly be at my art studio, and it will be open evenings and weekends for Chrstmas shopping in December

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