
Alle var enige om at vi hørte en mystisk lyd i bilen mens vi kjørte. Men ingen visste hva det var eller hvor den kom fra. Kunne det være en løs hjulmutter kanskje? Vi kjørte inn til siden, pappa kikket på framhjulene, alt så fint ut. Han satte seg inn igjen, og vi fortsatte kjøreturen. … Continued

Large solo exhibition

22nd September 2024 Thank you very much to every one who came to the opening of my solo exhibition at Sande Art Association in Vestfold yesterday! 62 of my art works are there now, so this is a large exhibition! If you didn’t make it to the opening there is still time! The exhibition is … Continued

New drawing and lino prints

Friday 22nd September 2023 I am working a lot with pastel drawings and lino cut lately, and just finished this drawing today The title is knitting cuddle, and it measures 31×47 unframed, it is a pastel drawing on pastel mat paper. naturally it will be slightly larger when framed. The price is 6 700 Norwegian … Continued

Jigsaw puzzles

Tuesday 19th September 2023 I had an exciting delivery today – brand new art merchandise! Jigsaw puzzles with mine and Ronald West’s art! They are all 1 000 pieces, and come in special boxes designed by me. Price 420 Norwegian kroner. I had quite a few motifs made for the pre-orders, but have so far … Continued

New drawing of hands

Monday 31 August 2023 They stopped thinking with an almost painful relief, Stopped seeing; they only breathed and sought each other. – F. Scott Fitzgerald I have just finished this drawing, and this quote from Fitzgerald became the title. This is a pastel drawing on pastel mat sheet. Size 50 x 38 cm. It will … Continued

New paintings for the summer exhibition

Tuesday 27 June 2023 I am working hard towards this year’s Summer Exhibition with Ronald West here at Dalalåven. 2 new paintings in very different styles and sizes have been completed recently, both of these are in the For Sale gallery

Art from South Africa

Wednesday 24 May 2023 Thanks to excellent support and sponsorship from the 150th anniversary of Rindal Sparebank, I have had the opportunity to invite an artist from all the way from South Africa as this year’s guest artist during the traditional Summer Exhibition here at Dalalåven Atelier during Kulturvøkku here in Rindal. I have to … Continued

Bath Nymphs

Wednesday 24th May 2023 I update way more regularly on Facebook than here, but here is my new lino print; Bath nymphs. I have made 20 small lino prints, size 16×21 cm. Some have light, cold colors, others dark, warm colors – so there is a bit of everything here. Price NOK 1 700 without … Continued

Dalalåven blir stengt en stund

Friday 7.April 2023 I am going to Switzerland for a major and much-anticipated operation on 10thApril, and will be 100% on sick leave for at least 3 weeks afterwards. Unfortunately, this means that Dalalåven Atelier will be CLOSED for a while. Running your own company and having to close is far from ideal, but that’s … Continued


Wednesday 15th February Would you like a bit of winter joy on your wall? Have a look here! I have just made 20 small lino prints, every single one is unique, so if you are interested click your way into the Printmaking gallery to have a flick through This print is inspired by my own … Continued

Olga the cat

Tuesday 17th January 2023 FINALLY FINISHED! This lino print is inspired by the cat Olga, which belongs to my friend Idun. Olga truly has the most wonderful fluffy and soft belly fur, and she loves to show it off. But being the cat lover that I am, I had to make this print in different … Continued

First painting of the year in 2023

Friday 6th January 2023 It’s always a special feeling to sign my first panting of the year – and to remember to sign with the correct year! I have to admit I am working on a few too many projects at the same time right now, but this painting on Egyptian papyrus was the first … Continued

Pumpkin season is over

Monday 31st October My life has been all about pumpkins every single day since 14th October, with carving pumpkins, travelling around the country with my pumpkin carving workshops, and carving pumpkins on national TV. There’s pictures and more about all that on my Facebook and Instagram pages. I finished the pumpkin carving season today with … Continued

Pumpkin season is here!

Saturday 15th October 2022 I have finished my first pumpkin carving of the year. It was hard to get decent photos as the motif goes around most of the pumpkin, so here is a video instead. As you can see (I hope) I have carved Queen Elizabeth II and one of her Corgi’s

BIG Art Sale

Sunday 9h October 2022 I am TIDYING my art studio, and thereby giving you the opportunity to make a really great autumnal art bargain! Here you will find everything from a whopping 30-70% discount on a number of original paintings, drawings and graphic prints! All the pictures are now available on my Facebook page with … Continued

Art Studio closed

Friday 12th August 2022 My art studio Dalalåven Atelier will be closed in the period  30th August – 20th September as I will be at CatoSenteret for rehabilitation in the hope of getting rid of chronic pain. So if you are thinking of buying art or art merchandise please do pop by in the next … Continued

This years summer exhibition

Sunday 10th july 2022 My art studio will be closed this upcoming week (11th-15th July)  I will be comining treatment at St Olavs Hospital in Trondheim and some time off to recharge after a very busy week. I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you who have visited my annual summer exhibition … Continued

Lino prints with cats

Friday 17th June 2022 From grief to palyful cats, life can go from one extreme to the other. I used to do a lot of printmaking when I was an art student, but that’s a long time ago! I had a lot of fun making these lino cuts. They are all unique variatons, none are … Continued

The 5 stages of grief

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Some projects take a little longer than others. Last summer I received a pile of old black and white photographs of my twin sister Elin and me from 1996 – the same year she was murdered. I knew I had to use these in my art in a way, but it … Continued

This years Summer Exhibition

FRiday 10th June 2022 This year’s summer exhibition is 2nd -10th July I have invited the artist Tanja Silseth Vean here to my art studio (Dalalåven Atelier) during the local Cultural Week. Tanja was born and raised in Sunndal, but she has lived in Trøndelag the past 20 years or so, so she is absolutely … Continued


Friday 29th April 2022 It’s Friday, and I have finished another painting! This time it’s a nostalgic one, with well used working hands in action. Maybe this will make you think of the scent of freshly baked bread or buns when you were growing up? Your parents or your grandparents? As per usual this is … Continued

First painting of 2022

Wednesday 26th January 2022 It always feels a tad special somehow to sign the first painting of a new year, well this is the first one in 2022. It is 60×40 cm, and oil on canvas. I haven’t landed on a title yet, as I decided to leave that for all of my followers on … Continued

Hands and romance

Friday 30th July 2021 I have finally finished another painting. As I am still not well, and only being able to work part-time things take time… This painting can be yours, it is an oil painting on canvas, the title is; I will never let you go It is 50×33 cm and the price is … Continued

The annual Summer Exhibition

Sunday 27th June 2021 Yesterday was really just an amazing day! Gazelle and I truly agree that our art is so well suited to be shown side by side in an art exhibition. even though we express ourselves differently both of us are working with emotions, moods, feelings and atmospheres. Saturday just went by at … Continued

The 4 Arts

Friday 14th May 2021 I finished a new painting today! I have painted the 4 seasons, the 4 elements and the 4 times of day previously. I have been thinking about painting the 4 forms og classical arts, as in painting, dance, music and literature for a while. I am so lucky that i got … Continued

drawing workshop

Friday 19th March 2021 I have had a drawing workshop at the School in Flatanger today. As both Rindal and Flatanger have no Covid-19 this was possible. I really enjoy having workshops around the country like this. It’s fun to meet new people and to get the opportunity to spread some creativity and artistic joy. … Continued


Friday 26th February 2021 I had surgery for deep infiltating endometriosis in December. I have spent a lot of time thinking about how I could show all of the pain, the despair and frustration in a painting. Here is the result: This is an oil painting, it’s 70×50 cm and the price with framing is … Continued

Easter mood

Tuesday 16th February All of my Easter mugs and travel mugs, and loads of other travel mugs have arrived now! I know it’s only February as yet, but I felt I had to test my new Easter mugs anyway as it is a sunny day! So I tried making a Norwegian spring and Easter feel … Continued

New Easter Merchandise

Friday 12th February 2021 I just love receiving packags in the post! Today I got the test print for my new Easter trays and coasters. These are all hand made in Sweden, and the quality is really amazing! This means I no have 2 motifs on my small trays. 2 out of the 4 new … Continued

New merchandise and open art studio

Thursday 11th February I received a shipment with  brand new art cards today – straigt from my local printers in Trondheim – in time for both Valentine’s Day and Norwegian Mothers Day! It’s actually been all of 4 yars since I last printed new motifs on my art cards, so it was about time!  6 … Continued

Digital Drawing- and painting classes

Friday 29th January 2021 I have made both a digital drawing class and a digital painting class. So you can now join me in a painting class from the comfort of your own home. These classes ae available on Vimeo, but you can also find them by simply clicking on the Video-link here on my page … Continued

First drawing of 2021

Saturday 9th January 2021 My first drawing this year is of the cats Gråtass and Lizzy, two charming fur babies. Originally this was going to be done in time for Christmas, as a present for my nephew and his girlfriend. But then I was admitted to hospital ahead of time, and major surger ruined that … Continued

Autumn in the winter

27th November 2020 I have finally finished this painting. Things are going rather slowly these days, due to me being ill and waiting for surgery. But it’s finally finished, so hopefully you don’t mind a bit of autumn/fall in the winter! It’s called Autumn Goddess, and is 33 x 50 cm, and naturally for sale. … Continued

Two new paintings

Monday 23rd November 2020 I am a bit behind when it comes to posting new paintings here. But I alway post them straight awa on Facebook, so I recommend following me there for regular updates! here are twoof my more recent paintings though

This years Christmas painting

Monday 9th November 2020 My Christmas painting with the Yule Goat has now returned from the framers! The price is 5 500 Norwegian kroner (= £455 / €503 / $598) including frame with non reflective artist glass. If YOU would like an original Christmas painting – for yourself or as a present to one of your … Continued

More pumpkins

Saturday 31st october 2020 Naturally there were quite a few restrictions for my pumpkin carving workshops this year, but with limited numbers, plenty of hand santizer, distance and all that we were able to have some. Also several of the venues combined this with live-streaming or filming so several others couls participate from home. Today … Continued

The pumpkin artist is busy!

Thursday 22nd October The pumkin season is finally here and I am loving it! Earlier this week I went on my annual pumpkin shopping spree to the biggest pumpkin farm in the area. I have started carving, and have so far made two pumpkin lanterns, but there’s more to come! Here are my first ons … Continued

This years Christmas painting

Saurday 17th October 2020 Fr years I kept saying that i do NOT paint Norwegian nisse, trolls, gnomes, elves and all that. Luckily it’s never to late to change ones mind! And I do love Christmas – or yule as we say here in Norway. I needed to paint it now, even though it’s only … Continued

New book-painting

Thursday 10th September 2020 I have FINALLY finished! With some paintings I can visualise every detail before I even start. This painting here is about the magic of a good story, so fo me it made sense to let my imagination decide the course along the way. Some elements have surprised even me as they … Continued

Autumn Market at my art studio

Monday 17th August Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September I am turning my art studio Dalalåven Atelier and the outside area in to a market for viking jewellery, local crafts, local farm food, art and art merchandise OPENING TIMES  Saturday 11-17 Sunday 12-16 Midgard Viking Replicas is an Norwegian silversmith based in Oppdal. The product … Continued


Friday 19th June 2020 I hardly ever get angry and I am absolutely not one to bear a grudge. Recently I was in a situation where I almost felt the smoke coming out of my ears, I honestly felt the need to shake an adult. This person was immature, annoying, moaning and bearing a grudge … Continued

cat portrait

Monday 11th May 2020 I have just finished another commission, a drawing of the cat Pissi. I currently take commissions, please contact me for more information


Friday 8th May 2020 This is without a doubt the most detailed painting I have ever painted on Egyptian Papyrus. It’s pretty big, 64 x92 cm. When the customer first contacted me and asked if I could paint something for her she simply said; paint something lavish and over the top and please add some … Continued

Goat portrait

Thursday 16th April 2020 It’s always nice to get commissions with a personal touch, but this is the first time I’ve been asked to draw goat with someone, so I guess it was about time! (Usually people ask for pictures with their dog, cat or horse, but I also drew a commission of a boy … Continued

New painting

Friday 3rd April 2020 It’s  Friday evening, and I have just finished a new painting, so now I can relax the rest of the week! This is an oil painting, it’s 50×33 cm. price kr 8 800,- I feel this painting suddenly became even more relevant now. It is about simple everyday pleasures, but still … Continued

My art studio is still open

Friday 3rd April 2020 Even though all of my art exhibitions, art fairs, and group visits here at my art studio is cancelled due to the corona-virus I am still at work here every day. I clean the door handles, payment terminal and other surfaces after every visitor. Due to all the cancellations I have … Continued

Easter chicks in water colour

Wednesday 18th march 2020 When the world is starting to feel unreal and surreal we all need something to brighten up our lives. So I desided to paint some bright, colourful and fun Easter chicks in retro style. I don’t usually use water colour, but as I decided to live stream me painting from my … Continued

Huldra in the troll forest

Thursday 27th february 2020 A few months ago I was bored stiff at a meeting, it was completely useless and it truly felt as a waste of time. I ended up daydreaming while I was scribbling and filling up my note book. naturally I filled it with small sketches instead of actual notes. The day … Continued

painting workshop for children

Thursday 20.February 2020 Yesterday and today I had a paintign workshop for 5 kids who spent their winter holiday visiting their grandma here in Rindal Everyine arrived very excikted, and there has been a lot of laughter, in my opinion simply brilliant that one of them instantly exclaimed that I am a genius when it … Continued

First painting workshop of the year

Sunday 16th February 2020 Thank you so much to the fun and creative gang who has spent their weekend here with me at my art studio Dalalåven these last few days! I really love that the finished pieces show such variety in motif, style and technique. A weekend like this is truly intense for me, – … Continued

The first kitty-painting of the year

Wednesday 5th february 2020 There is something special about the relationship we have with animals, for me that has always been important. Which is why this is a subject I like to paint. I remember that we had to write an essay about our best friend when I was in grade, I wrote about … Continued

Artistic Travel Guide

Friday 24th January 2020 I have been looking forward to telling you giys about this for quite some time now! In October I am going to be an artistic travel guide for the travel agency Smart Reiser on their trip “The dream of the Caucasus” There’s a limited number of available places, so if you … Continued

Goat portraits!

Thursday 23rd January 2020 It always feels good when I get to finish a project as the weekend is approaching. Today I finished this commission of the 4 Majestic goats named Didrik, Per-Gunnar, Netti-Jo and Donald. Maybe slightly related to the Billygoats Gruff? I have to admit that I ended up really wanting a goat … Continued

First painting of the year 2020

Wednesday 22nd January 2020 My first painting of the year is finished! I always like to meet the people I am painting if it’s possible, that way I feel I actually have them with me in my mind while I’m working This comission started with me going on a home visit to photograph a lovely … Continued

Merry Christmas

Friday 20th December It’s been so busy I haven’t been able to keep everything updater here, but I always keep my Facebook updated. November went by in a rush of various Christmas fairs, – I was here in Rindal, at Storås, at Averøya and I took part in Small Business Saturday. In December I’ve been … Continued

More pumpkin workshops

Monday 28th October 2019 I have had 4 pumpkin workshop during the weekend, so it’s been fairly busy! Saturday I startd with a workshop for a football team with 12 year old boys. Their coaches hadn’t planned to take part, but as I knew they were pretty competitive I managed to coaxed them into giving … Continued

My pumpkin lanterns on Breakfast TV in Norway

Wednesday 23.oktober 2019 Tomorrow I jump on a plane to Oslo, with a huge pumpkin in my lap! Friday (25th October) I will be carving pumpkin lanterns live on Norway’s biggest Breakfast TV-show (God Morgen Norge) on TV2. You will see me from about 8:20am, they have a pretty tight schedule, so I really need … Continued

First pumpking carving workshop of the year

Saturday 19th october 2019 The pumpkin season is finally here, and I have already carved a few pumkin lanterns. Today I had my first pumpkin carving workshop this season, I was for the Association of Children with heart Defects. This has become an annual tradition which both they and I really appreciate. We had lots … Continued

Work hands

Sunday 13th October 2019 I’ve been thinking about this idea for a painting for some time now; old well-used work hands ptting on and lacing up a pair of scuffed work boots. It has taken some time but I have finally added the last brushstroke! I’ve called this oil painting “Work hands” it’s 52 x63 … Continued

new tray and coasters

Saturday 12th October 2019 I haven’t made any new trays for years, so I am really excited to show you this tst print for my new Christmas tray, and also 4 new coasters, – 2 of them with Christmas motifs. These are all hand mase in Sweden, and made from birch. They should arrive i … Continued

This years Christmas-merchandise

Friday 27th September 2019 The very first Christmas products have arrived here at my art studio. There’s more to come, but everything is made in limited stock, so there won’t be a lot available of any of this stuff. My new yuletide-painting is only on mugs so far, but I have ordered Christmas cards and … Continued

Pumpkincarving-workshops and Christmas fairs

Freiday 20th September 2019 Here’s a little update on where you’ll find me the next few months. 12th october I’ll have a stall at the Big Cabin Day in Rindal Den store hyttedagen i Rindal  I will also be having several pumpkin-carving workshops as always. One closed event for The Association of Children with Heart … Continued

Latest paintings this autumn

Thursday 19th September 2019 I am sorry for not updating this newspage as often as I should. I do keep my Facebook business page updated with art and events though. Also the galleries here and my web shop are updated. Here you can see my most recent paintings  

Opening of the annual Summer Exhibition

Saturday 29th June 2019 Thank you very much to all of you who visited the opening the annual Summer Exhibition here at my art studio! It has been a very busy day with a lot of customers, and good sales! if you didn’t make it today, don’t worry, as we are open 11-17 tomorrow, and … Continued

My first chicken

Friday 31st May 2019 This is the first time ever I’ve painted a hen, at least the first since I made some Easter decorations at primary school! I’ve just finished this tiny oil painting. I like to paint the interaction between humans and animals, as I have painted quite a few cats, dogs and horses, … Continued

Cushions at the bank

Friday 24th May 2019 It’s always great to see my art or art merchandise at places where a lot of people get the opportunity to see them. The bank  Rindal Sparebank has bought two of my cushion covers, so now the customers get to see very summery cushions in the sofa there. To the left you … Continued

Exhibition in Denmark

Sunday 5th May 2019 Here’s a few pics from a lovely day here in the beautiful town of Mariager in Denmark, – and from the opening of the art exhibition at Galleri Vognporten. It’s always nice to meet artist-colleagues from different places, and to see how differently we all interpret the same subject matter. This exhibition … Continued

Inner strength

Thursday 25th April 2019 I have just finished another small oil painting Sometimes you need to grab hold of all of your inner strength to battle through what life has thrown at you. This painting is called Inner Strength, it’s oil on canvas, 30×24 cm, and the price is 5 300,- Norwegian kroner.


Monday 8th April 2019 I am painting, painting and painting all hours these days! Therefore the week sort of starts with me just finishing another, – and somewhat different, painting now. I hope you like the energy I have tried to create here. The title is: Explosion of Energy This painting will fit just about … Continued

New commission on Egyptian papyrus

Wedensday 27.March 2019 I have now painted the final brushstroke, and finished this commission. The Title is ” Accept the past, embrace the future and live in the present” Some customers and their stories leave bigger traces than others. This was a type of comission that made me think a lot and I was excited … Continued

What is she thinking about?

Friday 22.March 2019 I have just finished this painting. What is she thinking about? Is she waiting for someone? Who could it be? It’s important  for me that there is no correct answer to these questions, I want you to be able to make up your own opinion about these matters. The atmosphere is still … Continued

Two new paintings

Monday 25th February 2019 I have recently finished two new paintings, one is painted on Egyptian papyrus, the other on canvas.The lagtter was sold almost immediatly through Facebook

Life drawing classes at Rørosmartnan

Friday 1.February 2018 I am looking forward to exhibiting at Rørosmartnan for the very first time this year. In addition to having a stall inside in the “art corner” I am also holding 2 life drawing classes, completely free of charge. You can read more about this on their web site here. If you are … Continued

My first painting in 2019

I have just put the finishing brush strokes on my very first painting of the year. It is always a special feeling to sign the first painting of a new year. This oil painting measures 40 x 60 cm, the title is “Soulmate Secrets” and the price is 12 400,- Norwegian kroner, including frame. (get … Continued

Mugs and other new merchandise

Tuesday 18th December 2018 I have been ever so busy now in December, today I received a shipment of brand new mugs, note books, and a lot of other stuff. I haven’t added these to my web shop, as I have more than 60 motifs to choose from, and several of the products also come in … Continued

Fairytale painting

Wednesday 5th December 2018 I have just finished this “fairy tale” of a painting, and I’m really wondering what you guys will think of it, – as is very different from anything I’ve painted before… There’s a lot of details here, so this has taken a lot of time, – mainly spent with tiny tiny … Continued

Christmas preparations

Friday 30.November 2018 I have been really busy participating at a lot of different Christmas Fairs the last weeks. My last one this year will be Sunday 2nd December in Surnadal. As always I will have extended opening times in December here at my art studio Dalalåven, both evenings and weekends. I have a lot … Continued

Brand new Inga-merchandise

Tuesday 20th November 2018 I have been trying to expand the collection of my art merchandise for some time now, but these thing take time. For me it is very important that all of my merchandise is properky made and has good quality, I always want to see, try and check it all for myself. … Continued

New merchandise

Wednesday 14th November 2018 Hoooraaaayyy! The first parcel with some of my new art merchandise arrived today! The rest is still in custom, but on it’s way. Just pop by my art studio if you would like to see them live! A lot of you people have asked me about prices, – I am sorry … Continued

New Inga merchandise

Thursday 8th November 2018 I regularly get questions about new art merchandise, if or when I will make product with your favourte painting on, if I’ll ever start selling T-shirts, cushions, bags, etc. So decided I needed to do something about it! I now have a new sales channel through Re Bubble with a lot … Continued

Portrait drawing

Monday 5th November 2018 This is the season for portrait commissions! Here’s my very latest drawing, I haven’t had time to post it as yet, but I hope the customer will be happy when she receives it. This is a pastel drawing, approximately A3 size. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are interested … Continued

Pumpkin carving workshops

Wednesday 31st October 2018 The last few weeks have been all about pumpkins, which is quite normal for me this time of year. I have had pumpkin carving workshops various places in the country, the season started with a workshop for the Association of Children with Heart Defects. Then I had one in Kristiansund, before … Continued

New coasters

Thursday18th October 2018 I’m currently waiting excitedly for a laaaarge parcel. As I am expecting a delivery with my brand new coasters from my collaborators, Åry AB in Sweden any day now I’ve run out of a lot of my old motifs on coasters, but 4 new ones are just around the corner! The coasters are handmade … Continued

Small painting of horse

Tuesday 9th October 2018 I have just finished this oil painting, this is fairly small, only 25×33 cm, and the price is 4 900,- Norwegian kroner (+ postage) When I was a young art student, I had a big art poster of the famous artist Theodor Kittelsen’s picture of the Norse water spirit “Nøkken” in … Continued

pumpkins, pumpkins and even more pumpkins!

Monday 24th September 2018 Last week was  all about pumpkins for me. As  had my very first pumpkin-lantern-exhibition! Iam used to having exnibitions, but it’s usually art exhbitons with paintings and drawings! This is kind of weird and nerdy, but also a lot of fun I started off carving Gollum from The Lord of the … Continued

Market Day at Bjørnli and in Trondheim

Wednesday 12th September 2018 It looks like next week will be hectic and fun! On Saturday 22.september I will be at Bjørnli in Meldal at their big Market Day, called Torvdag på Bjørnli. There you can find everything from art, crafts, a fleam market, a farmers market, and fun and games. My stall will be inside, and we are … Continued

Pumpkin carving workshops and lecture

Sunday 2.September 2018 Autumn is here, which means I have startes thinking about pumpkins! A lot of people have missed my localpumpkin carving workshops here in Rindal the last few years. Unfortunately I haven’t had time as I have been booked for workshops all over the country and have been on the road with my … Continued

2 new paintings and market day in Kristiansund

Thursday 23.August 2018 It’s been ever so busy lately at my art studio. I finished a fairly big painting I have painted on commision yesterday. And today I finished a small one painted on Egyptian papyrus-. I will take the latter with me to Kristiansund this weekend, where I will have a stall at Nordmørsk Gatefest … Continued

New paintings with cat and book

Monday 6th August 2018 I have just finished two new oil paintings, one on cavas and one on Egyptian papyrus. Both have themes that are important in my lfe; cats and books. My beloved cat Frøya loves to curl up as close to my face as possible for a cuddle. And the one of the most … Continued

New small pastels for big art fair

Wednesday 25.July 2018 I am really excited and looking forward to exhibit at Norways biggest Art & Craft fair this year: Rennebumartnan.  This is at Berkåk 10.-12.August. In addition to having my own stall with paintings, drawings and my art merchandise I will have a life drawing class, free of charge, at the outside stage on the Saturday … Continued

New painting with hands

Monday16th July It’s been crazy busy lately, but I have to mention that we had an art auction during the Summer Exhibition, and that we ended it all with an art lottery where the winner was Stine Sveen Flåtten. You can see more about this at my art page at facebook I have finished another small … Continued

Opening of the annual Summer Exhibition

Sunday1st July 2018 Thank you ever so much to all of you who came to the opening of the Summer Exhibition yesterday to see Nathan’s photos and my paintings. It’s truly amazing that so many people showed up, – it was jam packed at times, and didn’t calm down till around 17.30- FANTASTIC, – and … Continued

Midsummer feast with unveiling of a toilet-door-painting!

Sunday 24th June 2018 I do love a bit of crazy madness, so it’s usually pretty easy to get me to join in on weird ideas and prosjects. So when several crazy people get together a painting on commission can suddenly turn into a big outdoor party with the unveiling of a toilet-door, an entire … Continued

Hands and romance

Wednesday 13th June 2018 I’m working hard on finishing new paintings for the summer exhibition here at Dalalåven. I have just finished the final brush stroke on this one now The Title is “I feel safe when you’re holding me near”, it measures 54×57 cm, it’s oil paint on canvas, and the price is 13 … Continued

Some passion

Wednesday 6th June 2018 I have just finished a brand-new painting! I felt it was about time for some passion again, and preferably combined with getting the opportunity to paint hands. I’ve called this picture “in see my future in your eyes” This is oil on canvas, and it measures 65×28 cm, – naturally it … Continued

Kitties and puppies

Sunday 3rd June 2018 I discovered that I have forgotten to share my newest paintings! Two small pictures painted on Egyptian papyrus. As an animal loved I felt it was about time to make some new pictures that show the unconditional love between us and our pets. Both of these measure 38×30 cm frame included. … Continued

Florence and local Cultural week here in Rindal

Monday 28.May 2018 I am painting as usual here at my art studio today, but then it will be closed here the rest of the week Tomorow I am gtting on a plan to Italy, to take part in an art exhibiton called “Languages of art” at Galleria360 Arte contemporanea i Florence  The weather is apaprently better … Continued

Art Calendar for 2019

24th May 2018 I have spent the day at the printers Fagtrykk Trondheim AS, – were we have started the printing of my art calendar for 2019  As always there was quite a bit of adjsuting, colour discussions, testing, printing again etc, but we got there in the end. I got one calendar with me home, … Continued

Commission of hands

30.April 2018 I have finally finished this painting now! It is 58 x65 cm and is painted on commission. This commisson started with me being sent a few photos, I asked if it was possible for me to meet “the models” and take my own photos which i could work from. Which was no problem, and … Continued

Street market in Kristiansund

29.April 2018 I have spent the weekend on a big fair called “Nordmørsk Gatefest” in Kristiansund, 27.-28.April 2018. There were lots of other artists and crafts people exhibiting here, and a separate farmers market too. In addition there was plenty of entertainment, concerts, and Nordic Light Photo Festival was also on,  so a brlliant weekend! … Continued

Painting on old door

Tuesday 10.April 2018 I have just finished these paintings on an old door today. I would like to thank Morten Muus Falck for a fun and different commission! This door belongs in an old log cabin at the lake Rørvatnet. And I am really looking forward to seeing what it will look like when it is mounted … Continued

The book is finaly here!

Friday 6th April 2018 HOORRRAAAAYYY!!! My book finally arived today! I have to say it was a really special feeling to finally be able to hold a copy in my hand! There will be a book launch Tuesday 17th April at 17 at Rindal skimuseum. I have already put aside copies for all of you who … Continued

Book launch for “With palette and polkadots”

Tuesday 3.April 2018 There will be a book launch for “Inga Dalsegg – med palett og polkadotter” (Inga Dalsegg – with palette and polkadots) at Rindal skimuseum Tuesday 17. April at 17-19. I will have a lecture about my journey through grief and depression and the long and winding path back to life. This will be … Continued

With palette and polkadots

Thursday 22nd March 2018 I have had an exciting day working wth the excellent people at the printers Fagtrykk Trondheim AS today After several months of hard and intense work and countless late nights this projectis no longer a secret. And I am able to see the finishing line! After Easter “Inga Dalsegg – med palett og polkadotter.” … Continued

Anniversary sale on art photos

Tuesday 20th February 2018 I have my 20th anniversary as an artist now in 2018. I figured that’s an excellent occasion to dust off the cobwebs and dig out some of my slightly different art. I toured with an art exhibition with black and white photos in 2001. They were a story of love, I … Continued

First animal portrait of the year

Monday 5th February 2018 I ended 2017 with painting a portrait of a cat, and now I have finished one of two cats. Even though I have never met these two lovely kitties, or their humans, I feel like I have gotten to know them really well during the process. Now all that is left … Continued

The Dream Grant

Saturday 19th January 2018 I feel proud and honoured to once again have been given the task to be a member of the national visual arts jury of Drømmestipendet (the dream grant). This is usually a very intense job, but at the same time it is very exciting to see all the amazing art being … Continued

First painting of the year in 2018

Friday 18th January 2018 I have just signed my first painting this year! That is always a special feeling every year somehow, I even remembered to write 2018 straightaway, not bad. This is a small oil painting on canvas, it’s only 30×25 cm, and the price is 4 900,- Norwegian kroner (including frame). I have called … Continued

Birthday calender

Thursday 11h January 2018 I have spent the day at the printers in Trondheim today, starting the printing of a new product. When you run your own small business it’s always nice to get the opportunity to work togeher with someone else. I have been wanting to create something with my friend the author Gunn … Continued

Happy new year

Sunday 31.December 2017 2017 is almost over, among the highlights of the year for me was being invited to attend the big art fair in Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, and to represent and present Rindal Ski Museum at the European Museum of the Year Award in Zagreb. The commissions I received in 2017 were … Continued

My last painting in 2017

Friday 29th December 2017 I started 2017 with painting a cat on commission, and ended it painting another cat for a customer! I really appreciate it when I get to meet and get to know animals I am commissioned to paint. This cat, Busk, was a delight, I totally fell in love with him. It … Continued

Cat on papyrus

Friday 1st December 2017 New Painting, just finished, right here and now. My cat loves people reading! Every time she sees me sitting down with a book, she comes running, as books mean a lap to cuddle in. A lap that’s going to sit down for a while, and therefore has time to combine this … Continued

New painting on Egyptian papyrus

Wednesday 15th November 2017 I just finished this painting now! This is oil on Egyptian Papyrus and it measures 32 x41 cm. The price is 6 300,- kroner (price includes framing) I think old hands are beautiful, they tell a story about a lived life. I really enjoy myself when I get to paint this … Continued

December opening times

Saturday 11th November 2017 As always I keep my art studio open for Christmas shopping in December. This year I am open Wednesdays from 16-20 and 11-15 on Saturdays and Sundays Here at Dalalåven Art Studio you can find something for everyone, from cheap art cards to expensive oil paintings. if you are looking for … Continued

New art candle

Friday 10.November 2017 I just received a test print for a new art canddle, which is always exciting! The motif is the painting “The dancer” which I originally painted with oils on Egyptian papyrus. The candle makers are busy producing these for me now, they will be in stock around the middle of next week. … Continued

Christmas fair-season is here

Sunday 5th November 2017 I am painting as much as possible these days, as I am hoping to finish some small pictures soon, as all the Christmas fairs are just around the corner! You will find me at Rindalsmessa 2017 11th- 12th November and for the first time I am attending Meldal husflidslag Christmas Fair at Storås … Continued

Pumpkin carving workshops

Tuesday 31st October 2017 Here are some photos from the pumpkin carving workshops I have had this year. I have already received som bookings for next year!I really love the fact tha this is an activity suitable for all ages and levels, I have had participants aged 4-85 years old, and they have all carved … Continued

Titi Suru and Donald Trumpkin

Monday 30th October 2017 Here’s my two most recent pumpkins, a nice one of the hunky wolf Titi Suru from the musical Rock’n’roll wolf. And the scariest pumpkin I have ever carved; Donald Trump. This was a commission. Sometimes you get a commission you just can’t say no to, even if you really don’t have … Continued

Pumpkin lanterns

Sunday 15th October 2017 Pumpkin season is finally here! I honestly get really really excited about this every single year! I am a pumpkin-enthusiast! When I return from the art fair in Paris I am going to have pumpkin carving workshops first for the Association of  children with heart disease in Sør-Trøndelag, and then I am … Continued

Commission painting and Art Fair in Paris

Saturday 14th October 2017 I just finished a paitning on commission today, I have postponed all commission for a while as I have focused on getting as many pieces as possible ready for the Art fair in Paris next wek. I have also spent quite some time packing all the paintings and drawings for Paris. … Continued

A busy October month

Monday 2nd October 2017 This coming weekend, 6.-8.October I will be exhibiting in Oppdal at the big autumn festival there, Fjell og Fårikålfestivalen. In a couple of weeks I am off to France, with my paintings, as I am exhibiting at the big Art Fair Art Shopping in Carrousel du Louvre in Paris 20.-22.October. So currently I am … Continued

New painting ready for Paris

Thursday 14th September 2017 I’m almost completely sold out of paintings painted on Egyptian Papyrus, so I am currently working on getting that sorted out! I just finished this painting now, it’s 23 x32 cm and is painted on papyrus. I really do think old hands are beautiful, I feel it’s like they tell a … Continued

New painting and exhibition in Halsa

Tuesday 5th September 2017 As someone once said “Dance like nobody’s watching; love like you’ve never been hurt. Sing like nobody’s listening; live like it’s heaven on earth.” I have always liked that quote, and it was my main inspiration when I started on this painting. This lady in red has her own opinions though, … Continued

New paintings, commissions and other

Thursday 24th August 2017 I have been painting like mad lately, there’s just been so much to do with commissions and work towards this art fair in Paris in October. I have been s busy that I forgot to update here with my new paintings, but better late than never and all that: The two … Continued

Life drawing for hen party

Saturday 19th August 2017 I’ve had a visit from a lovely bunch of ladies here today, they came for a life drawing class at the start of a hen party. There was plenty of laughter and fun, and it actually even resulted in a few really nice drawings! After arriving on a red carpet, and … Continued

Art fair in Carrousel du Louvre, Paris

Monday 31st July 2017 I have been invited to exhibit my art at Art Shopping in Carrousel du Louvre in Paris 20.- 22. October. This is a huge art fair which is held twice a year. The location is excellent, as it is held in the area under the famous glass pyramid by the Louvre. … Continued

Another commission

Tuesday 25th July 2017 I don’t seem to get any summer holiday this year either, instead I am busy painting at my art studio. I just finished this painting on papyrus today. The title is “Kom og hold meg, bare hold litt rundt meg” – which is from a Norwegian song. It means “Come and … Continued

Fairs and workshops

Saturday 29h July 2017 As many people have been asking where they can find me the next few months, here’s a list of some events. Saturday 9th September I wil be at Bygdadagen i Halsa 2017 where I will both have an art exhibition and sell my art merchandise. Friday 6th-Sunday 8th October I will be have … Continued

The Dancer

Sunday 16th July 2017 This Sunday morning was spent painting the final brushstrokes on “The Dancer”. This was panted on commission, it is painted on Egyptian papyrus and is 33 x42 cm. The subject is the song “Danserinnen” (The Dancer) by Norwegian artist Åge Aleksandersen. The start of the song goes like this “She is … Continued

New candles in stock and in web shop

Thursday 13th June 2017 My new art candles arrived today. Several people have popped by the last couple of weeks to look at the test print candles an ask when the new candles will arive. In addition to the brand new motifs I have also received large candles with the painting of Huldra and of … Continued

New Inga-art candles and this years Summer Exhibition

Sunday 9th June 2017 I received test prints for new art candles this week, they are now currently under production and will be available for sale, from my web shop and my art studio, around the middle of next week. Both of the motifs were originally painted on Egyptian papyrus and the originals have been … Continued

Guests from Texas

Thursday 22nd June 2017 I have had a group of 12 people from Texas visiting me this week, Professor Don Huebner from Texas State University with his students. They had travelled around both Iceland and the big cities of Norway (Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim) before they came to my art studio here in Rindal. I … Continued

Two tiny little paintings

Monday 12th June 2017 I have made some small drawings lately, and decided to try to paint some small pieces too. I have actually never ever before painted such a small canvas as the one to the right here! There’s a first time for everything I guess. For some reason I have found it easier … Continued

Art Calendar for 2018

Friday 9th June 2017 I spent most of Tuesday at the printers in Trondheim, adjusting colours and overseeing the printing of my art calendar. Today all the boxes with the Inga-Calendars for 2018 arrived! I am so pleased they arrived before the big Summer exhibition that opens here 1st July. With13 pieces of art for … Continued

Photo shoot with Per Heimly

Friday 2nd June 2017 I had a photo shoot with the amazing photographer Per Heimly earlier this year. I have now put the photos in a separate gallery here on my web site. This way they are accessible as press photos. If you would like to have a look just click here on Photo shoot … Continued

4 small drawings

Thursday 1st June 2017 I have made 4 small pastel drawings this week, these are all tiny, and drawn on coloured pastel paper

New paintings and market day

Wednesday 10th May 2017 It has been fairly hectic lately, last week I was in Zagreb in Croatia on a mission for Rindal Ski Museum. But I am back in my art studio now, and have managed to finish some new work. here are two new paintings. Saturday 27th May you can find me at the … Continued

Summer exhibition with Anne Margrethe Hjelvik

Thursday 20th April 2017 I have invited the artist Anne Margrethe Hjelvik to this years Summer Exhibition here at my art studio during the local Cultural Week. Anne lives in Rygge, but she is originally from Molde. She works with acrylic paints, her palette covers all ranges of colours and shades, from the lightest shades … Continued

Market day in Kristiansund

2.April 2017 I participated at an annual market day in Kristiansund yesterday, this is the 3rd year I am a part of this. The entire city was really buzzing with people yesterday so it was a great day for all of us at the market! A great day with art, crafts and a local farmers … Continued

Painting on a door

Thursday 30th March 2017 I have had a lot of commissions this year, which is something I really do appreciate. I just finished another one today, a painting on a door. As you can see this door has finished it’s life as a door,  and will now become a painting hanging on a wall. It’s … Continued

Large commission

Tuesday 14th March 2017 I have just finished my biggest painting of the year so far., I always enjoy getting commissions with some size. This painting is 82 x 120 cm. I’s been quite some time since i have painted a nude, so I really enjoyed working on this commission. I have called the painting … Continued

New Art Cards

Thursday 16th February 2017 Making new art merchandise is always an exciting process. I have recently had a bunch of test prints made for new art cards. The 3 art cards you see below are now being made and will soon be in stock both at my web shop and here at my art studio. … Continued

Cat portrait

Friday 27th January 2017 I have just finished this painting of the cat Pusur today. It is oil on canvas, and 65 x 45 cm. I was lucky enough to get a visit here at my art studio from Pusur and his owner yesterday. Getting visit from animals I am painting is not a regular … Continued

First painting of the year

Sunday 8th January 2017 Here’s my firs painting of the year. As I am nearly sold out of paintings (and drawings) with hands so I think the motif is just right this time (hands again! I imagine some people thinking now!) I have called it “For Life”, it is oil on canvas and 52×42 cm … Continued

Happy New Year!

Saturday 31st December 2016 2016 was an eventful year for me – as always there has been both ups and downs, – such is life after all. I’ve worked with medieval techniques and learned a lot about quillls and parchment, I have had the pleasure to receive some very unusual and special panting commissions, I … Continued

Happy Yuletide

Satuday 24th December 2016 I wish all  of my customers, followers, partners, family and friends a very merry Christmas, – or a happy Yuletide as I like to call it!

Papyrus with cat

Thursday 1st December 2016 I have now finished another painting on papyrus, and had it framed too. Sigmund Freud is behind the title this time! He said “Time spent with cats is never wasted” I really like that quote, and I couldn’t agree more! This painting is based on personal experience, I really appreciate a … Continued

Small papyrus painting with hands

Friday 18th November 2016 My goal for this week is reached, – as I just finished this small papyrus painting. It is painted on Egyptian papyrus, and is quite small, it measures 22 x 31 cm. Naturally it will become slightly larger when it is framed. I haven’t settled on a title as yet, I … Continued

Yuletide opening times

Wednesday 16th November 2016 As previous years I will be keeping my art studio open some evenings and weekends in December. The opening times before Christmas will be Thursdays in december 16-20 Saturdays and Sundays in December 11-15 (last day will be Thursday 22nd December) IThe OPEN-sign is always up when I am here working, … Continued

4 new pastel drawings

Wednesday 9th November 2016 The local fair Rindalsmessa is this weekend, I will have a stall there, like I always do. I have been working on making some small drawings for this, and trying to finish them in time for getting them framed so I can bring them along at the weekend! You can find all … Continued

Pumpkin carving workshops

Sunday 30.October 2016 I held 2 pumpkin carving workshops this week The firstone was at Å in Meldal. This was mainly adults. It was a brilliant evening, everyone was so eager and excited, there was constant activity, and they also served pumpkin soup and foccacia. I had a great time, but unfortunately I was so … Continued

This years first pumpkin carvings

Sunday 23rd October 2016 We’re nearing the end of October, and as always my paint brushes gets to rest a bit while I spend most of my time at the art studio but with pumpkins and knives instead of paints and brushes. This far I have carved 3 pumpkins, here you can see 2 of … Continued

Brand new commission

Monday 17th October 2016 I just finishd yet another painting on commission today. This painting has taken time, a lot of time. From the very first discussions last spring, via all of my initial ideas, then sketches, and so this. I do not believe I have previously ever had such  regular contact with a customer … Continued

Two new commissions

Wednesday 5th October 2016 I have made a lot of commsions this year. I get the impression people belive that it’s mainly large companies who commision paintings, but that’s certainly not the case with me. The majority of commisions for both paintings and drawings are ordinary people who would like a picture especially made for … Continued

Nine lives for Inga

Sunday 2th September 2016 If you missed the chance to hear the interview with Frøya and me on the radio this morning it’s stll not too late. NRK has posted their article online, and in that you can also find the link to hear the interview. NINE LIVES FOR INGA Frøya the cat has stopped … Continued

Hear me and my cat Frøya on the radio

Saturday 24th September 2016 NRK radio visited med recently, and for the first time ever I can actually say that BOTH Frøya and I were interviewed! Frøya seemed to enjoy all the fuss and attentin, and contributed with loud purring, eating cheese and posing for the camera all at the journalists request, while I mainly … Continued

New oil painting

Wednesday 14th September 2016 I have just finished another painting. I imagine a lot of people recognise the feeling of having a bad day, a seriously shitty day. But it’s just not the time and place for that, so you certainly cannot show it. You have responsibilities, maybe you have a job where you have to … Continued

NRK Radio

Friday 9th September 2016 Norways biggest radio station, NRK Radio, has spent the day here with me today. This interview even required the involvement of my cat Frøya! I feel sure I can say my cat has never before experienced so many probing microphones or been photographed so much in one day before, – she even … Continued

Norwegian Hiking Festival

Monday 5th September 2016 If you don’t have any plans for Saturday you should consider a trip to Rindal and Norwegian Hiking festival (Norsk Vandrefestival). My art studio Dalalåven Atelier is open 11-16 on Saturday, – it’s only a stone’s throw away from the festival area. Here you will fond both art and art merchandise. … Continued

Mental Health Blog

Thursday 1st September 2016 As some of you may know I have a blog here on my web site, – unfortunately I don’t have the time to translate it, so it is only visible on the Norwegian version of this web site. In addition to this blog I have recently also had a few blogs … Continued

Norse forest spirit

Wednesday 31.August 2016 I just finished this painting of huldra today. (Huldra is a seductive forest spirit from Norse mythology.) I don’t tend to paint  a lot of nature, but naturally one does make exceptions for special regular customers. This is one of those commissions where I was given complete freedom, the only thing that … Continued


Tuesday 23rd August Hooooraaaayyyy! Today it’s 2 years since the big opening of my art studio Dalalåven Atelier. I have decided to celebrate by giving all of you a 25% discount in my web shop. Just add the code “JUBILEUM16” to your basket and 25% will get deducted. This offer is valid to the 30th … Continued

Summer loving

Friday 5th August 2016 I have just reached my goal for this week by finishing this painting for the weekend. Sun, sand, water splashing, a proper summery picture. This one is called Sand Between Our Toes, it’s oil on canvas, 38x74cm, and the pice is Kr 12 200,- (including frame). You can find it i … Continued

Dark papyrus

Monday 25th July 2016 I have just finished another painting on papyrus, it’s been a while since  last had the chance to paint one that wasn’t commissioned. This is one of the very few ones I have painted on dark papyrus. The painting is called “Safe Haven”, it’s 41×31 cm (size not including frame). The price … Continued

New art cards

Friday 22.July 2016 My new art cardshave now arrived. The cards can be bought from my websop and from me at my art studio. There are 6 new motifs, here you can both see the new cards and a picture of the new and old ones together. The collection of Inga art cards now total … Continued

Books and magic

Sunday 17th July 2016 I have just finished another drawing. I have always been a book worm. Books are magic to me, they take you to new places and exciting worlds where anything may happen! A good book can make me laugh out loud, gasp with fear, cry, – and just utterly enjoy myself. When … Continued

Several new pastel drawings and one oil painting

Thursday 14th July 2016 I have been making several small pastel drawings lately, all of them on coloured paper. I have also finished an oil painting (fairly large). Some of these have already been sold. You can find all of these in a larger format in their respective galleries here on my web site. The … Continued

Exhibition opening at Dalalåven

Sunday 3.Juy 2016 Yesterday we had the opening of my annual Summer Exhibition here at my art studio . Both Elin Rindahl Steiro and  are truly happy that so many people, from all over the country, ame for this occasion. The place was really jam packed for 5 hours! The exibition will hang till Sunday … Continued

New Art merchandise and exhibitions

Monday 27th June 2016 I have just now added 3 new pieces of Inga-art merchandise in my web shop! I am currently awaiting the delivery of these new coasters, they are now being made at Åry Trays in Sweden, and will be in stock here in the middle of July. The one to the right … Continued

festival Artists at the Norwegian Salmon Festival

Monday 27th June 2016 Myself and the sisters Gjertrud and Tanja Heggem were the festival artists at the Norwegian Salmon festival last weekend. The gallery at Surnadal Cultural House were jam packed with art and art merchandise, and all three of us are very pleased with the result as more than half of the art … Continued

Hen party and anniversary visit

Sunday 19th June 2016 Yesterday I had 2 groups visiting my art studio. The first one was a hen party. There was a good deal of laughing and fun while a bunch of ladies got a life drawing class! Some of them even discovered unknown artistic skills. The second visit of the day were celebrating … Continued

Group bookings at my art studio, Dalalåven Art Studio

Tuesday 14.June This morning I started my day with the job of rolling out the red carpet, and fixing some strawberries and fizzy drinks. Reason being I had a boking of 20 people arriving early, as part of a day out with the company they work for. They actually thought they were going fo a … Continued

New Commissions

Wednesday 8th June 2016 I have received a lot of commissions lately. Some of these I cannot post photos of yet as the buyers are waiting to give them away for special occasions. But here are photos of two private commissions I have finished recently. You can find larger photos of these in the commissions-gallery. … Continued

Festivals and exhibitions this summer

Monday 6th June 2016 There’s quite a bit happening the next month or so, the summer is always a busy time of year for exhibitions and festivals. I will be exhibiting at The Norwegian Salmon Festival (Norsk Laksefestival) in Surnadal Friday 24th-Sunday 26th June. You will find the art exhibitions in the Gallery at the … Continued

See me on the tv-program Norge Rundt

Friday 3rd June 2016 This evening I was on the tv-program Norge Rundt. This was all filmed in my art studio in May, and it’s about the big project I am working on with the University in Trondheim. In this clip you get to see me working with a quill on parchment, and hear more … Continued

Group exhibition at Dalalåven Art Studio

18th May 2016 In July the artist Elin Rindahl Steiro wil come to Rindal to have a group exhibition with me. Last summer was the first time I invited other artists to exhibit alongside me here at my art studio. As it was a success I naturally have to follow up on that. The exhibition … Continued

With quill and parchment

Friday 6th May 2016 The tv-channel NRK visited me at my art studio on Wednesday. It will be broadcast on the news tonight (at 18:45). There will also be a longer film clip sent on the tv show “Norge Rundt” (around Norway), but I am still not sure which date. On the photo below yoiu … Continued

The county’s most sexy car?

Wednesday 14th April 2016 My car has been through a serious upgrade today, to match me a bit better! I am extremely happy with it myself, and I have to admit that even ater just a few hours I already love my car a lot more! The fab dsigners at Anunatak have made the design, while the … Continued

Market Day in Kristiansund

Tuesday 12th April 2016 On Saturday, – 16th April, – I will be having a stall at the Market Day in Kristiansund. This Market is an annual event in the spring which is only for local art, craft and food fromt he region Indre Nordmøre. I will mainly bring my art merchandise, as this is … Continued

Drawing of horse

Wednesday 6th April 2016 After having recently painted a dog and made a couple of drawings of owls, I have now just finished a pastel drawing of a horse. I never thought that would happen to be honest. This one is called “Secret Whispers”, it is 32×48 cm, and already sold to a customer in … Continued

Owls and dogs

Wednesday 30th March Some of my customers are so nice, in addition to being extrenely good customers, that they are able to talk me into all sorts of weird stuff 😉 This time the result is that I enden up making two pastel drawings of owls, – not at all the kind of thing you … Continued

New painting with couple

Friday 11th March 2016 Here is my most recent painting, it is called “You are My Resting Place” and is 40×36 cm. You can find it in the Couples-gallery

Marathon Day

10.March 2016 Yesterday was really an exciting, intense, fun, touching, eventful, and long day. I feel lucky to have been booked to hold a lecture at the Cultural Conference at Sunndalsøra. I don’t think anyone left there without having felt both moved, touched and inspired. . After that I drove straight to Løkken to have … Continued

Cultural conference, Winter noise and Dream grant

Tuesday 1.March 2016 Some days are just a lot busier than others, and Wednesday 9th March will be one of those. First I will be at The Cultural conference 2016 in Sunndalsøra, where I will talk about how my art helped me through the grief and depression after the murder of my twin sister Elin … Continued

New painting of hands

Thursday 27th February 2016 Here you can see my most recent painting. This one is oil on cavas, it’s 52×34 cm, and it’s called «My Life, My Support». You can also find it in the Hands- and feet-gallery, and in the currently for sale-gallery. In the latter you can also find the price if that’s … Continued

Lectures, talks and stuff like that

Tueday 16th February 2016 On Wednesday 10th February I was the guest on “Hi there” at Øra Kafe at Sunndalsøra. I was interviewed on the stage by Johan Øiestad. It was an evening of fun, seriousness, and an honest talk about life. On Thursday 11th February Rindal Craft Association had an evening with a guided … Continued

Valentines and Mothers day

Sunday 14th February is both Valentines Day and Mothers Day here in Norway this year. So because of that I am opening my art studio Friday 12th Feb 11-16 and Saturday 13th Feb 11-15 here at Dalalåven Art Studio you can find art merchandise and cards suitabel for both your mother and your loved one. … Continued

Variety of happenings

Tuesday 2nd february 2016 I am currently booked for a few talks and seminars, here’s some more information about where you can see me. Wednesday 10th february I will be the guest at “Hello there” at Øra Kafe at Sunndalsøra. Johan Øiestad will interview me, this will be an evening of fun, seriousness, and an … Continued

Cultural conference 2016

Tuesday 26.January 2016 I will be participating at the Cultural Conference 2016 in Sunndal. I will tell my story about how the murder of my twin sister affected both my life and my art. “The art of living” is the 5th Cultural conference arranged by Sunndal council. It is in the 9th March at Sunndal … Continued

30 % off art calendars. Photos of new portraits

Thursday 21st January 2016 I have just updated the portrait-gallery here with two pictures, – these are drawings I made a little while ago, but I could not publish them online until after Christmas as the people who commissioned them were going to give them away as Christmas presents. If you are interested in commissioning … Continued

First painting on canvas this year

Sunday 17th January 2016 I have just finished my first painting on canvas this year, – this one is called “Teach Me to Fly” and is 65 x 30 cm. Hands is something I always keep coming back to as a motif. This time I felt it was right to also paint the entore child … Continued

First painting of the year!

Thursday 7th January 2016 It’s always a special feeling to sign the very first painting of the year, – something i have just done now. It’s an oil on dark papyrus, – and the title is “A Minute to Sleep, A Minute to Dream”, it’s 31 x 41 cm (just the papyrus, without frame). As … Continued

Happy new year!

Sunday 3rd January 2016 Happy new year! The sale here at Dalalåven Art Studio has been a success, – I have sold 41 pictures in 4 days! But I still have lots left, so the sale is still going. You can also find it as an even on facebook, where I add new photos of … Continued

Sale at Dalalåven

Monday 28th December 2015 I have had a proper tidy up here at my art studio, and as a result I am now having a sale on drawings, prints and sketches. None of these are in my web shop, so the sale is only here at my art studio. This is a good opportunity for … Continued

Christmas shopping

Thursday 17.December 2015 If you’re looking for Christmas presents or just would like to have a look at my paintings and drawings why not pop by Dalalåven Art Studio? Here you’ll find a lot of different Inga-art merchandise; framed art cards, candles, trays, coasters and ties. I even sell gift vouchers. And of course, – … Continued

Another papyrus commission

Thursday 10th December I have finished another commission painted on papyrus today, – there’s been quite a few of those this year. This is the hands of a grandfather and his grandson, the title is “Across Generations.” The two of them came to my art studio, so we got to know each other a little, … Continued

Errors in art calendar!

Friday 4th December 2015 I have unfortunately been made aware of some errors with the days and dates of Art my calendar for 2016!!!! This was not discovered until last night. 1st January has become a Thursday instead of a Friday and June has 31 days instead of 30 …. The company that makes my … Continued

Inga-Art Tie

Wednesday 11th November 2015 FINALLY!!!! Today I received the very first Inga Dalsegg Art Tie! 🙂 The tie is 100% silk, made in Italy, and they are all individually wrapped in cellophane bags. This is a test tie, – which i have approved today, -according to the plan these art ties should be here at … Continued

New Inga-merchandise has arrived!

Tuesday 3.November 2015 Today 9 boxes full og Inga-merchandise arrived here at my art studio! My new trays are 33x43cm,so larger than the old ones that are 28x36cm The coasters arer 9x9cm, – whjich is the same size as the old ones. I will still sell these as a set of 4, – but now … Continued

Successful pumpkin-carving-workshop at Ingas Art Studio

Sunday 1.November 2015 The pumpkin carving workshop at Dalalåven Art Studio on Thursday was both very busy, intense and great fun, – with people of all ages taking part. Thank you so very much to everybody who came! You can read more about it all in Trollheimsporten and Driva. Here’s a few photos from the … Continued