Saturday 19th october 2019
The pumpkin season is finally here, and I have already carved a few pumkin lanterns.
Today I had my first pumpkin carving workshop this season, I was for the Association of Children with heart Defects. This has become an annual tradition which both they and I really appreciate. We had lots of fun today, even though it was pretty hectic and messy at times!
The children made some lovely jack o’lanterns, just hav a look here;
Wednesday 23rd October I am having a pumpkin carving workshop during he cultural week in Rennebu. Saturday 26th Oct I have 2 private bookings for pumpki carving(one of them i for a football team). Sunday 27th October I have 2 pumpkin carving workshops at my art studio, both of these are fully booked with waiting lists.
Thursday 31st october I finish the season witha workshop at a college (Nordmøre Folkehøgskule).
I have already received some booking for next year, if you are interested in booking me for a worskhop or class where you live please get in touch with me.