Monday 6th August 2018
I have just finished two new oil paintings, one on cavas and one on Egyptian papyrus. Both have themes that are important in my lfe; cats and books.
My beloved cat Frøya loves to curl up as close to my face as possible for a cuddle. And the one of the most soothing calming sounds I can imagine is the purr of a happy and content cat. I really wanted to paint that mood. The painting is 50×50 cm, it’s oil on cavas, and the price iskr 12 400,-
The other painting is about books. I have always loved books and readng, and I take a book with mewherever I go. I read everywhere and anywhere. On public transport, while queueing at the airport, at the hairdresser, while eating, in bed. I really can’t imagine a life without books!
It suddenly dawned on me that all of my pevious paintings and drawings with books had an autumn or winter-mood. So I needed to sor that out, as naturally also read on the beach, while sun bathing, in my garden, and by the lake!
So I made a summery reading-painting, this is an oil painting on Egyptian papyrus, it’s 32×42 cm, price kr 7 800,-