3.October 2014
Some of you have probably started thinking about Christmas presents already, – well for the ones of you who haven’t started buying presents quite yet;
I’ll be having a stall at the local Christmas Fair “Rindalsmessa” 8th-9th November, and at the big Christmas Fair “Orkdalsmessa” 29th-30th November.
Rindalsmessa is held here in Rindal, and Orkdalsmessa is in Orkanger. Both of these Christmas Fairs are well known for their high standards when it comes to quality and variety, – you can really do all your Christmas shopping there, – and there is so much to see!
On my stall I will have both my Inga Merchandise and my art, and hopefully my new trays and coasters will have arrived by then!
Orkdalsmessa has it’s own web site and Facebook page where you can follow all the preparations.
Here’s a photo of me from the Christmas Fair last year, I was lucky enough to get to meet Father Christmas! 🙂