10.May 2013
Today I have just finished painting my very first quadriptych!Not a word you hear very often, – I know…. It means 4 pictures in 1, – to sum it up.
The subject i was given was The 4 Seasons, – this is a commission I have worked one for some time now. Today the customer came to my art studio to view the finished piece, – he was very pleased, – and is looking forward to getting it up on his wall.
From left to right you see; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
I was given the freedom to freely choose how I wanted to “solve” and paint this theme. I chose to combine the seasons with the cycle of life.
So spring is a small child, and summer a youth. Autumn is the time for harvest and fertility, – both in nature and among living creatures. Winter is old age, – the winter of life.
You can see a larger picture and photos of all 4 individual paintings in the Commission-gallery